An Expert Guide for Generator Concrete Pad Installation in Berkley, MI

A concrete pad is usually the ideal choice for stable, high-functioning, and high-powered generators. However, similar to any machinery or heavy equipment installation, there are a few factors you may want to consider before installing generator concrete pads. This article is targeted toward safe installation and proper use of generators on a site to ensure protection and prevention.

In this post, we are going to explore some of the things that you must know when installing generator pads in Berkley, MI.

Choosing the Accurate Generator Concrete Pad Size

The concrete pad that you will purchase for the generator needs to match the requirements of the generator, especially the size. A generator pad that is say too thin or way thicker will be susceptible to cracking, which can lead to costly repairs. Typically, while choosing a concrete pad, you must give special importance to the soil type. Also, assess the potential risk of flood in your locality.

There are two ways to determine the most appropriate concrete pad size:

  • First, you can try to fit the pad on the device’s tank. To do this, you will need to pour concrete in a way it fits a generator’s sub-base tank. This way you can say whether the enclosure intake and the generator discharge hoods extend beyond the pads at either end.
  • The other one prompts the installer to compare the dimensions of the enclosure and that of the frame. This helps place the generator on the right-sized pad.

Site Planning for Generator Installation

When you are preparing to install a generator, it is a good idea to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Here are some of the things you must consider:

  • The preferred site for the generator installation should be one with enough space
  • A fuel supply source should be located nearby for allowing easy and consistent access to fuel
  • The site should be protected by a banner and security fence for enhanced safety
  • The electrical wires for the power supply must either be above the ground or concealed underground to avoid hazards
  • The installation site need to have an open sky to be able to give out engine emissions
  • The placement of the conduit is also a crucial consideration. Keeping a sketch of the unit will serve as a reference.

Power System Consideration and Maintenance

Power systems, irrespective of their nature, require regular and consistent maintenance. This is to ensure that all elements of the system are functioning optimally. Maintenance ensures that you have access to a timely power supply during a power outage. You need to follow a manufacturer’s guidelines to follow regular maintenance and also ensure its longevity.

To conclude, buying and installing a generator can be a cost-effective decision, provided that you care about the condition and its utilization on your site. In case you are purchasing a used generator, you must ask your dealer to share maintenance records. This will help to learn more about its maintenance history. Moreover, take the above-mentioned factors into consideration for a safe and sound installation process. To learn more or to hire generator pad installation professionals, you can get in touch with us.

Give Flat Rock Concrete Construction, Inc. a call today!  Our office numbers are (248) 379-0250 or (586) 726-6091!

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