Everything You Must Know About Concrete Generator Pads in Huntington Woods, MI

When Huntington Woods, MI, homeowners decide to get a generator, they spend hours trying to figure out which type of generator is the right choice for them. However, absolutely no attention is paid to the generator pad on which the generator is placed.

The generator pad performs crucial functions — it stops the generator from digging into the surface on which it is placed. This is essential as the gravel and sand present on the surface can enter a generator and damage it beyond repair. In simple words, a general pad is mandatorily needed to ensure the longevity of your generator.

Unfortunately, most homeowners do not understand anything about generator pads. Since concrete generator pads are the most-commonly available generator pads, most Huntington Woods, MI, homeowners opt for them. Though concrete generator pads are a good choice, they come with certain drawbacks. Homeowners must make themselves aware of everything there is to know about concrete pads. In this article, we focus on concrete pads and what homeowners must know before getting concrete pads for their generators.

Make Sure to Choose the Right Size

When it comes to concrete generator pads, choosing the right size is critical and the right size, in turn, will depend on two different factors: soil conditions and the probability of floods in your area. For normal homeowners, understanding these factors may be difficult. We, therefore, give you some tricks that will help you figure out what sized concrete pad will be the right fit for your new generator.

The sub-base tank is that component of the generator that remains in direct contact with the concrete pad. Thus, the concrete tank should be big enough to easily accommodate, within itself, the sub-base tank. That apart, while pouring a concrete pad, homeowners must ensure that the enclosure tanks and hoodies are extending beyond the boundaries of the concrete pad.

If this method confuses you, you can try the other trick called centering. This is a relatively simple method. In this method, homeowners can choose a concrete pad of any size. However, the generator must be placed in such a way that the base of the tank stands at the exact center. This method of figuring out the ideal position is easy and also ensures maximum balance. The easiest and the most accurate way to do this is to create a sketch of your generator and then place the generator on the pad with the help of the sketch.

Do Not Forget to Put up an Enclosure Around the Generator

Generators are quite expensive and even small damage can lead to homeowners being compelled to spend big money. Thus, after you have successfully installed the concrete pad and placed the generator on it, make sure to put an enclosure around the generator. Other than protecting your generator, this enclosure will also protect the people around the generator in case of an accident. Ideally, a 6-feet-tall enclosure would ensure 100% safety.

Key Takeaway

If you are planning to get a generator for your Huntington Woods, MI, home, please spend some time trying to understand what kind of generator and generator pad will work best for you. If you are unsure about the kind of generator pad you will need, we recommend buying a concrete pad. They are reliable, durable, and easy to install.

Give Flat Rock Concrete Construction, Inc. a call today!  Our office numbers are (248) 379-0250 or (586) 726-6091!

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