Determining If Your Concrete Sidewalk Need Repairs or Replacement

Despite being one of the most preferred construction materials for sidewalks due to its durability, concrete deteriorates over time, leading to wear and tear. Harsh weather and high foot traffic are the main culprits of damaged concrete sidewalks experience. A cracked concrete sidewalk is not attractive at all, which begs the question – should you replace or repair your cracked concrete sidewalk?

Well, in this article, we share with homeowners in West Bloomfield, MI, crucial tips on how to determine you’re a concrete sidewalk need repair or replacement.

But before we share the tips, let’s discuss the different types of sidewalks.

Types of Sidewalks

Sidewalks can be categorized into two – private sidewalks and pedestrian sidewalks.

Pedestrian sidewalks, also known as shared user sidewalks, are found in the city’s jurisdiction.

On the other hand, private sidewalks fall under the homeowner’s jurisdiction. They mainly connect with a pedestrian sidewalk to create a pathway between your driveway or main door and the road outside your compound. Although homeowners in West Bloomfield, MI, should maintain their private sidewalk, renovations should be within the city policies and standards, especially when planning to replace the sidewalks.

We can now discuss when to repair sidewalks and when to replace them with that in mind.

TIP: The answer to this depends on the sidewalk’s damage.

Common Types of Damages Private Concrete Sidewalks Undergoes


Concrete sidewalks tend to develop cracks over time due to bad weather and pressure applied by foot traffic. If these cracks are narrow, you can easily get them fixed by a concrete expert. Narrow cracks do not necessitate replacement.

However, if the cracks extend across a large area and run deep, the sidewalks have lines of weakness. Majorly, hairline cracks or cracks that run deep and wide result from concrete not being mixed properly. If you have been seeing these cracks for some time now, the problem needs a comprehensive solution. It would be best to consider replacing the entire sidewalk as these cracks can cause accidents.

Concrete shifting

West Bloomfield, MI, experiences extremes of cold and hot weather, which has an impact on the durability of concrete. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to find cracked private sidewalks with concrete shifting over time.

Older sidewalks are more prone to these problems. If you feel your concrete sidewalk has developed deep cracks that caused it to shift, you must call a concrete sidewalk expert to have them inspected. In most cases, they’ll advise that you replace the whole sidewalk.


When installed correctly, concrete is a sturdy material that can last for many years before it develops cracks. However, wear and tear catches up with it over time, thereby requiring some maintenance in terms of repair. If the cracks run deep, causing the concrete to shift, your sidewalk integrity could be compromised, and you should consider replacing it in its entirety.

If you have been seeing cracks or feel concrete shifting on your private sidewalk, it would be best to call a concrete sidewalk expert in West Bloomfield, MI. They’ll advise you on the best cause of action to take.

Give Flat Rock Concrete Construction, Inc. a call today!  Our office numbers are (248) 379-0250 or (586) 726-6091

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