Here’s What You Must Know About Concrete Pads- Oakland County, MI

Homeowners give a lot of thought to the type of generator they want. However, the generator pad or the foundation on which the machine is placed is a topic that gets little to no attention even though the importance of a generator pad must never be undermined. The foundation pad protects the generator by keeping it from getting buried into the earth’s surface. The gravel or sand present on the surface can enter and damage a generator’s various components, leading to irreparable damage. Thus, generator pads play an important role in ensuring the long life of the machine. Unfortunately, most of the homeowners do not even know that several different types of generator pads are available in the market and of all the different options, concrete pads enjoy the highest popularity. However, installing concrete pads is no easy task, and homeowners must inform themselves well if they are planning to get a generator. Here are a few things you must know about concrete pads and their installation process.

Choosing the Right Size Is Critical

Choosing the right size is extremely important and the correct size of a generator pad depends on two essential factors: soil conditions in your area and the chances of floods. Here are two simple tricks to help you choose the right size concrete pad for your generator.

  • The sub-base tank is the part of your generator that is in direct contact with the concrete pad. Choose the size of your concrete pad to suit the size of your generator’s base tank. While pouring the concrete pad, make sure that the enclosure tanks and hoodies are extending out of the concrete pad.
  • The second way to place your generator over a concrete tank is called centering. In this method, one can go with both a large pad or a small pad. However, the base of the tank is placed at the center of this pad. This kind of placement ensures maximum balance.

Create a Sketch and Use It as a Reference During Installation

While selecting a generator pad, find the exact position of the conduit. An easy way to do this is to create a sketch of the unit and mark the start and endpoint of your generator’s base on this sketch. When you are placing the pad and the generator, you can use this sketch as a reference.

Put up an Enclosure

Generators are expensive and thus, even a small amount of damage can lead to you writing a big cheque. Therefore, once the installation is done, you must make sure to do whatever it takes to ensure added safety of the machine One simple way to do this is to put up an enclosure around the generator. This enclosure will not only protect the generator but also the people around it, in case of a mishap. In general, it is advisable to put a 6-feet-tall enclosure that extends on all sides of the machines.


If you are planning to get a generator installed, make sure to do some research and find out which type of generator pad would be the right choice for you. If you are confused, go with a concrete pad and hire a professional to do the job.

Give Flat Rock Concrete Construction, Inc. a call today!  Our office numbers are (248) 379-0250 or (586) 726-6091!

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