Everything You Must Know About Concrete Generator Pads in Huntington Woods, MI

When Huntington Woods, MI, homeowners decide to get a generator, they spend hours trying to figure out which type of generator is the right choice for them. However, absolutely no attention is paid to the generator pad on which the generator is placed. The generator pad performs crucial functions — it stops the generator from […]

Properly Installing Concrete Pads in Oakland County, Michigan 

When you think of your generator, how much tie do you spend thinking about its foundation? Was it a priority when you installed it? Or, if you are an Oakland County homeowner who is in the process of installing a generator – or thinking about installing a new generator – are you giving serious consideration […]

Important Considerations to Keep in Mind While Installing Concrete Pads for Generators

Have you recently bought a new generator and you’re confused about how to prepare a sturdy base for it? People usually prefer installing a concrete base for their generator because of its durability. Your generator will stay upright and won’t sink into the ground. To prepare the base, concrete is not simply poured into the […]

Concrete Pad Recommendation for Generator Installation

Many state and local building codes require installing a base for generators. A common base used for generators is concrete pads. Concrete is poured on the ground and the generator is installed on top of that. The generator settles on the pad evenly and won’t sink to the ground due to the shifting of sand […]

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